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Terms & Conditions


Welcome to illuminem Sales Hub, a lead generator tool to maximise sustainability sales ("Service").
You agree to be bound by these Terms of Use whenever you use or access any parts of the Service, register an account or purchase a subscription. If you don't understand or agree to these Terms of Use, please don't use the Service.
You represent and warrant that, by entering into these Terms of Use on behalf of a company or other legal entity, you have full authority to bind such entity to these Terms of Use. The Services are not intended or suitable for consumers. If you are a consumer please don’t use the Services.

Who we are

The Service is operated and provided to you by illuminem S.r.l., Tax code and VAT 02040550473, REA No. 607886, whose registered office is at Vicolo del Sozomeno 2, Pistoia, 5100, Italy, email, phone number +39 3311402075 ("illuminem", "we", "us, "our").
The Service is provided solely via (“Website”).

The Service

The Service allows users to seamlessly search and access company sustainability data via the Sales Hub Software as a Service Interface, to qualify leads using our proprietary sustainability ratings, and to discover key decision makers that may be interested in purchasing sustainability solutions. The Service is a lead generation service, which means it aims to help sellers identify, qualify and connect with potential buyers, but it does not guarantee actual sales.
The Service includes the illuminem Sales Hub Website , and anything made available on the Website, including all features, functionalities and user interfaces, as well as any content and materials you can view or access, such as data, including personal data, text, contact details, corporate information and other information (“Content”).
The Content on the Service may change regularly – that means new articles and other Content may become available whilst other existing Content may stop being available. We may also update and modify elements of the Service itself from time to time – for example the design, layout, features and functionalities.

Access to the Service

You may be able to access and view some Content without making a payment (e.g. on a trial period basis), but our Sales Hub Content will only be fully available to you if you:
(a) register an account ("Account") and complete the onboarding process; and
(b) purchase a fixed term or recurring subscription, billed either monthly or annually ("Subscription").
The Service (including any Content, features and functionalities) may vary depending on your device and your territory of residence; whether you are accessing the Service as an unregistered guest, an illuminem Account holder or subscriber; and the type of Subscription you have chosen.
The Service is available only to professionals, i.e. to any natural person or any legal person that is acting, including through any other person acting in his name or on his behalf, for purposes relating to his trade, business, craft or profession in relation to the contract concluded with illuminem.

Your Account

When creating your Account or purchasing a Subscription, you must provide true, accurate and complete information to us. You are responsible for your Account login credentials, for keeping them confidential, and for all activities that you carry out on the Website (including all access to and use of the Service). We recommend that you do not reveal your payment details and your login credentials to any other person. You agree to notify us immediately if you become aware of or suspect any breach of security or unauthorised use of your password or other login credentials. You agree to keep your Account login credentials (including any contact details and payment details) up to date, accurate and correct at all times while using the Service. We are not responsible for any losses or issues arising as a result of any inaccurate or incorrect Account information provided to us by you.

Your Subscription

If you purchase a Subscription, details of the price, currency and whether the Subscription auto-renews will be provided to you via the Website before you complete your purchase and after completion of the purchase, you will receive a payment confirmation via our payment partners’ portal. Once you have completed your purchase from us, you can also access details about your Subscription at any time by going to your Account. If you are looking for more information about your Subscription, you can consult the Website or contact us as described below.

Automatic renewal

Certain Subscriptions automatically renew unless you cancel your Subscription not later than 24 hours before your next renewal date. If you purchase a Subscription we will let you know, at the point of sign-up, if your type of Subscription will automatically renew. If you have purchased a Subscription, you can turn off auto-renewal and cancel it in your Account Settings area or by contacting illuminem as described below.

Free trial

Your Subscription may start with a free period of access. Free periods of access are available to new subscribers only (one per subscriber), unless we tell you otherwise. The specific duration of any free period of access will be specified at the point of sign-up. After the free trial period expires you will lose access to the Service.


At the start of your Subscription (or at the end of your free trial of access (if applicable)) and on any renewal, you will be charged using the payment method chosen by you when you first subscribed ("Payment Method"). Depending on the chosen Subscription, payments and billing shall be monthly or annually.
If a payment fails, because your Payment Method has expired, you have insufficient funds, or otherwise, and you do not cancel your recurring Subscription, we reserve the right to suspend access to your Subscription and/or your Account until we have obtained a valid payment method. Should it be the case, we will inform you of our decision to suspend your Subscription and/or your Account with a 48 hour notice, in order for you to provide us with a working payment method without any discontinuance of the Service.
If you have a recurring Subscription, payments will be taken automatically on or around the first day of each new subscription period at the same price (unless we have notified you of a price change).
To view your billing information or to update or change your payment method, go to your Account.
If you purchase a Subscription, provide a payment method during sign-up, or update your payment method, a nominal charge may be temporarily taken for verification purposes.


Once payment has been made for the Service, it is non-refundable under any circumstances. By purchasing the Service, you acknowledge and agree that you will not be entitled to any refund or credit, whether partial or full, for any reason.

Changes: price

We may change the price of our Subscriptions from time to time, but, if you are a subscriber and you have a Subscription which auto-renews, we will give you at least a 30 days' notice via email of any price changes, i.e. at least a 30 days' notice prior to the start of the next Subscription period. Price changes will not come into effect during your current Subscription period, so will only apply on renewal. If you do not want to continue your Subscription at the new price, you can cancel your Subscription, before the start of the next Subscription period, in your Account area or by contacting illuminem as described below.

Changes: Content

As we mentioned above, Content may change regularly. The availability of Content may change for various reasons, such as where third party rights-holders withdraw or restrict our right to use that Content on the Service, or for legal or regulatory reasons.

Changes: the Service

We may regularly make updates and changes to the Service for several reasons, including but not limited to: (A) ensure compliance with applicable laws and/or reflect changes in relevant laws and regulatory requirements; (B) perform temporary maintenance, fix bugs, implement technical adjustments and make improvements, such as adapting the Service to a new technical environment, transferring the Service to a new hosting platform, or ensuring Service compatibility with devices and software; (C) alter the structure, design or layout of the Service, including changing the name of the Service or re-branding, or amending, improving and/or expanding the features and functionalities available; (D) for security reasons; (E) for anti-piracy reasons; and (F) for business reasons. All changes which are necessary to ensure continued conformity of the Service are made without additional cost to you.
If we make changes as specified above and these are changes which could negatively impact your access to or use of the Service in more than a minor way, we will notify you and give you the right to terminate your contract with us, by cancelling your Subscription in your Account area or by contacting illuminem as described below.
The following terms apply to such changes: We will give you at least 15 days’ notice, before the change comes into effect. If you do not terminate your contract with us before the change comes into effect, we will take that as acceptance of the change.

Changes: these Terms of Use

We have the right to change these Terms of Use at any time, for several reasons, including but not limited: (i) to improve the Terms of Use, to make our Terms of Use clearer or easier to understand or to have all our customers on the same Terms of Use; (ii) to comply with legal or regulatory requirements, such as mandatory laws that apply to us and our agreement with you, or where we are subject to a court order or judgement; (iii) to provide you with additional information about the Service, (iv) where we make changes to the Service or any Subscription, including where we change the way we structure our Service or expand the scope of the Service by adding additional features, functionality, Subscriptions or Content; (v) where we reorganise the way we run our business, including merging with another brand or service or for other business reasons; or (vi) for security reasons, including where we introduce additional security checks or software to protect our Content or the Service. In addition, we provide the Service on an ongoing basis and we cannot foresee what may change in the future. This means we may make changes or additions to these Terms of Use for reasons other than those set out above, provided that such amendments are reasonable. If we change these Terms of Use in a way that affects your rights or obligations, we will notify you via email and give you the opportunity to read the new terms not later than 30 days before such changes take effect, unless an update needs to be implemented quickly to reflect a sudden change to the Service, or for security, legal or regulatory reasons (in which case we will notify you of the changes as soon as we can). In any case, if you don't accept the new Terms of Use, you will have the opportunity to cancel your Subscription within 30 days, in your Account area or by contacting Illuminem as described below. The most up to date version of the Terms of Use will always be available on the Website from their effective date.

Your content

If you have an Account, you may be able to interact with Content on the Service, and upload Content. By uploading any Content to the Website, you grant us a perpetual, royalty-free, non-exclusive, worldwide licence to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate, distribute, and display such content in any media. This licence is granted free of charge and is subject to compliance with applicable law. You warrants that they have the necessary rights to grant this licence.
We shall have the right, but not the obligation, to monitor any of the Content to determine compliance with these Terms of Use. We reserve the right to decide whether your material on the Service complies with applicable law and with the requirements set out in these Terms of Use, and may remove, modify or delete such Content, in whole or in part, terminate or suspend your access and/or terminate or suspend your Account without prior notice, on becoming aware of any violation of these Terms of Use, or for legal or other reasons, or because the relevant material is objectionable. illuminem also reserves the right to disclose any information to comply with any court order or lawful request that illuminem believes necessary to satisfy any law, regulation or governmental request.
You agree that you will not submit, post or transmit on or through the Service any Content that: (a) is defamatory, offensive, unlawful, threatening, abusive, harassing, defamatory, libellous, deceptive, fraudulent, invasive of another’s privacy, tortuous, contains explicit or graphic descriptions or accounts of sexual acts, or is otherwise objectionable; (b) infringes the rights of anyone else (including, without limitation, patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright, privacy or other proprietary rights), unless you have a formal licence or permission from the rightful owner or are otherwise legally entitled to share the material in question, or is in breach of these Terms of Use, any of our guidelines or any policy posted on the Service, or interferes with the use of the Service by others; (c) victimises, harasses, degrades, or intimidates an individual or group of individuals on the basis of religion, gender, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, age, or disability; (d) collects for marketing purposes any email addresses or other personal information that has been posted by other users of the Service; (e) impersonates any person, business or entity, including by way of example illuminem and its employees and agents, or falsely states or otherwise misrepresents your affiliation with any person, business or entity, including by way of example illuminem; (f) contains viruses or any other computer code, files or programs that interrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of any computer software or hardware or telecommunications equipment, or otherwise permits the unauthorised use of a computer or computer network; (g) encourages conduct that would constitute a criminal offence or that gives rise to civil liability or that otherwise encourages others to commit illegal activities or cause injury or property damage to any other person; (h) results in the posting or transmission of any message anonymously or under a false name; or (i) results in a single message being posted to any area of the Service if that message is, in our view, off-topic or in violation of these Terms of Use.
You agree that your Content may be subject to minor alterations or modifications for technical or formatting purposes, subject to the preservation of the intellectual character of the work and you waive any right to inspect and approve a finished product or the copy that may be used in connection with the Content which you may upload or post on the Service, or the use to which such material may be applied.

Content ownership and licence

Any Content published on the Service belongs to the rights holder of that Content. Content we publish is either ours or licensed to us for commercial use. All such Content is protected by intellectual property laws and owned by or licensed to us. It remains the sole property of illuminem or its licensors. Users are granted a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable, revocable license to access and use the Content solely for the purpose of receiving the Services, subject to the se Terms of Use and at all times in compliance with applicable law. The user acknowledges that they do not acquire any ownership rights in the Content. You are permitted to use and view the Service and Content for your professional, commercial use only. You may not use any of the Content without permission from the rights holder of the Content to do so for any other purpose but to receive the Services described above.
You may not remove, alter or in any way tamper with any copyright notices or other proprietary markings included in the Service or any Content.
Any copying, access, transfer, public performance or communication to the public or other use of any part of the Service (including any Content) other than as expressly authorised by these Terms of Use or – out of these Terms of Use – by us or by the rights holder shall constitute an infringement of our (or the rights holder’s) intellectual property rights and a breach of these Terms of Use.
By publishing any Content on the website, you grant to illuminem a non-exclusive (which means that you can licence your content to others), royalty-free (which means that we don't pay you for this licence), transferable (which means that we can give the rights you give us to someone else), sub-licensable (which means that we can licence your content to others, e.g. to service providers that help us to provide the Website and the Service, other users or trusted third parties that have entered into agreements with us to operate, develop and provide the Website and the Service) and worldwide (which means that the licence applies anywhere in the world) licence to use your content, including to provide sub-license for access by other users, reproduce, adapt or make derivative works, perform and communicate your content to the public. You are responsible for complying with all Intellectual Property laws with reference to said Content, including but not limited to having obtained the necessary authorizations from the rights holders.

Data Protection

Illuminem warrants that any personal data contained in our Content is collected and made available in accordance with applicable data protection law. For more information on how we process Personal Data, you may refer to our Privacy Notice. You warrant that your use of any personal data contained in our Content or otherwise accessible through our Website or otherwise delivered to you in the context of the delivery of our Services shall be used in accordance with applicable data protection laws. You hereby agree to fully indemnify illuminem against any third-party claims connected to your use of any such personal data.

Your use or access to any parts of the Service

You must not, and must not allow third parties to: (a) broadcast, publish, licence, offer for sale, make and/or distribute copies of any part of the Service and/or of the Content, except as expressly permitted by these Terms of Use; (b) frame any item of the Service and/or of the Content on (or incorporate any part of the Service and/or of the Content into) another website and/or service; (c) use your login credentials to access your Account or Subscription without authorisation from us, or do anything else which allows you to gain unauthorised access to the Service, or any account, computer system, or network connected to the Service, by means such as hacking, password mining or other illicit means; (d) attempt to alter, modify, reverse engineer, disassemble, decompile, transfer, exchange or translate the Service, unless you have a legal right to do so; (e) remove, deactivate, degrade or thwart any of the content protections in the Service or the Content; and / or (f) collect or harvest the Service, any Content or any personal data of any user of the Service (including any account name) or use any robot, bot, scraper, site search/retrieval application, proxy or other manual or automatic device, method, system or process to access, retrieve, index, “data mine”, or in any way reproduce or circumvent the Service, any Content, any personal data or the navigational structure or presentation of the Service and/or of the Content.
You agree not to sign-up (or attempt to sign-up) multiple times for a free period of access or for the same promotional offer, or take any other action designed to enable you to benefit from multiple free periods of access or the same promotional offer. Any such action shall be a breach of these Terms of Use and may result in the termination of your Account and/or Subscription. Illuminem reserves its rights to enforce this section by pursuing legal action against any infringers.

Ending your right to use the Service

We can temporarily suspend your access to the Service, in whole or in part, and/or terminate our agreement with you at any time for several reasons, including but not limited to the following reasons: (a) if you breach one of the provisions under these Terms of Use and/or under the law and/or to comply with an order by an administrative or judicial authority; (b) whether your use of the Service and/or your Content is likely to harm Illuminem, other users or the Service and/or third parties, (c) where we reorganise the way we run our business, including merging with another brand or service or for other business reasons; or (d) for maintenance of the Service and/or security reasons, including where we introduce additional security checks or software to protect our Content or the Service.
If we end our agreement with you after you have purchased a Subscription, we will inform you via email in advance, via a 15 days' prior notice, of our decision. You will have the opportunity to submit a complaint in writing against our decision, within 15 days from the receipt of our communication. We will duly review your complaint within 15 days from the receipt of your communication and communicate our final decision via email. If we temporarily suspend your access to the Service and/or terminate our agreement with you, we will provide you with a proportionate refund for any amounts you have paid for your Subscription but not benefited from.
In any event, we may immediately end or suspend your right to use all or any part of the Service or your Subscription to comply with the law or with an order by an administrative or judicial authority, if you have seriously or repeatedly breached these Terms of Use, if you are using any part of the Service fraudulently, illegally or in any manner other than for its intended purpose and/or for urgent maintenance measures of the Service. We will tell you if we decide to end or suspend your right to use the Service. If what you have done can be put right we will give you a reasonable opportunity to do so.
If we end your rights to use the Service, your Account or your Subscription you must stop all activities authorised by these Terms of Use, including your use of the Service.

Our liability to you

The Service and the Content are provided for general informational purposes only and on an “as is” basis, without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of title, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement. All information on the Website is provided in good faith, however we make no representation or warranty of any kind, express or implied, regarding the accuracy of any information. The information on the Website is either provided to us directly by the companies to which the information relates or derives from publicly available sources. In certain instances the information might be an estimate based on limited information publicly available. Your reliance on any information provided on the Website is solely at your own risk. If you believe that any information is incorrect or in breach of your rights, please contact illuminem.
While the Service is intended to provide you with sales leads, we take absolutely no responsibility for converting any leads into customers. To the extent illuminem is held liable for a breach of these Terms of Use by a competent for any claim, damages or other liability, whether in an action of contract, tort or otherwise, arising from, out of or in connection with the Service and/or the Content, our liability shall be capped at the amount you paid for your Subscription during the 60 calendar days preceding the claim.
Subject to the above, unless caused by our gross negligence or fraud, we are not responsible for any damage caused by: (a) any use by you of the Service or Content which isn’t authorised by us under these Terms of Use, including loss of profits if you attempt to use or display the Service for any commercial purpose; (b) the reliability, lawfulness and rights of use of any information included within the service collected from third parties sources; (c) any malfunction or interruption to the Service or Content due to circumstances outside of our control that prevent us from fulfilling our obligations to you, or that can be considered a “force majeure event” pursuant to the applicable law, that is an event outside our control.

Third party websites

The Service may include hyperlinks to other websites that are not owned or controlled by us. We have no control over, and assume no responsibility for, the availability, content, privacy policies, or practices of any third party websites. You acknowledge and agree that we will not be liable for any loss or damage which may be incurred by you as a result of the availability of those external third party sites or resources, or as a result of any reliance placed by you on the completeness, accuracy or existence of any advertising, products or other materials on, or available from, such websites or resources. We encourage you to be aware when you leave the Service and to read the terms and conditions and privacy policy of every other website that you visit.

Reporting Content

If you see any Content on the Service you want to flag or report to us because, for example, you believe it infringes another person’s intellectual property rights, please contact us as described below.

Other terms

The agreement between us and you is personal to you and no third party is entitled to benefit under it. You agree that we can transfer our rights and obligations under these Terms of Use to any other companies or entity. You may not transfer your rights or obligations under these Terms of Use to anyone else.
If any provision of these Terms of Use is held to be null or unenforceable by a court or legal authority, that provision shall be treated as removed. The validity and enforceability of the remaining parts of these Terms of Use shall not be affected.
To the extent we fail to or decide not to exercise any right of claim against you to which we are entitled, this will not constitute a waiver of that right unless otherwise indicated to you in writing.
These Terms of Use shall be governed by and construed in accordance with England and Wales Law. Any claims or disputes arising out from the interpretation and or execution of these Terms shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.

Complaints and Contacts

If you have any complaints please contact us via email, writing at or via the form available in the "Contact Us" section of the Website.

Version published on 5th June 2024.